The requirements below have been requested by the artist and are fully supported by the venue and promoter.
For entry and attendance to this show, the following are required:
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination
- or -
Proof of a negative PCR COVID-19 test within 72 hrs of showtime
Presented by:
Triple D's
Gentleman Jesse
Gentleman Jesse
After ten long years away from the studio, Gentleman Jesse returns to us bearing a new ten-track album that benefits greatly from the wisdom and heartbreak that a decade of life on this planet affords. An album titled "Lose Everything" is bound to have its dark side, and behind the powerful melodies and jangly guitars a hint of sadness hangs in the air. But Jesse makes a bad time a good listen—after all, he's responsible for tunes like Carbonas' "Phone Booth" and his debut single "I Don't Wanna Know." While age tends to water down the output of older musicians, it's had the opposite effect on Jesse. Gone is any semblance of kitsch or power-pop convention. Also gone are his band—he's flying solo this time. What remains is a dazzling, mature earworm of a guitar-pop record.
Greg Cartwright (solo)
Mothers Milk (fka Uniform)